Monday, May 4, 2009

Raining again...

I am so sick of the rain!!! I NEEEED sunshine!!! Caleb went to school today and Miss Heather got here just a few minutes after he got home so they could do school work. He doesn't have to do work when he goes to school, he just sits in his classes. Anyway, he is in trouble because he told me all his work was done so he could go play yesterday and go to school today and guess what? That's right it wasn't all done, so now he is grounded for awhile. He is not very happy right now, poor guy (sticking my bottom lip out for him). He is sitting across from me doing his school work right now. He just asked if he could go to school on Thursday because they are going on a class field trip. They are going skating and to the lake. So that is why he is getting his work done now that is due on Wednesday afternoon, he is trying to bribe me. We'll have to see whether he he gets to go or not. His eyes had some pretty big circles this morning so he probably needs to rest and take it easy before going back again and didn't I just say I was going to ground him? I know, I can't ground him from the school trip, right? It's really, really hard for me to let him go do things, especially things like skating or going to the lake. Danger lurks around every corner now. I get these stupid questionare e-mails all the time and one of the questions is what are you most afraid of. I never would answer that question, I kept it between me and God, and now... I love him soooo much and trying to find middle ground is so very hard!!! I want to let him have fun but where do I draw the line? what is the difference in being a responsible parent and just being over protective? If anyone has an answer please feel free to share! I guess thats it for now. Have a wonderful evening. Psalm 121:7 The Lord will keep you from all harm-he will watch over your life; the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.


Anonymous said...

I once heard some parenting advice that is much easier said then done but maybe it will help you now. The advice goes that we far too often, as parents, think that when our kids are with us and we have control that they are somehow safer then when we trust God and the protection only He can give them! Basically, saying that we sometimes hold our kids back (keeping them from "danger"...or so we think) when really aren't they even more safe in God's hands then in ours? Anyway, I know it's never easy and I can't imagine being in your shoes...but thought I would share! I so enjoy reading your blog! Keep posting!

Anonymous said...

I just have to tell you how much I love you and how I admire your walk with God. He gave you the strength to do this and He will continue to give you the daily bread to face each day. You amaze me more every day. We will get through this, you will as a mom and we will as a family. Caleb has a GREAT call on his life and in time we will be made aware of what that is. Until then, we pray and stand on faith for God's will in all of our lives but especially in Caleb's. It shreds my heart every time I see him depressed or hurting so I could never imagine what it does to you. I love you, I am ALWAYS here and I am SO very proud to have you has my sister!!!

Love Jess