Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Tests are set...

The Dr.s office called today and Caleb is scheduled for tests all day tomorrow. He has a PET CT at8:45, an MRI at 1:00, a CT chest and leg x-ray at 3:00 and on Friday he has a GFR and bone scan at 1:00. He will also do cbc's at the Dr.s office in between the PET and MRI tomorrow. This happened about a week before I thought it would but I am ready to get to it, Caleb however is very upset because now he will miss his school field trip ( I guess I worried for no reason, funny how that happens, huh?). I told him I will let him go to school next week as long as his blood counts stay good. He will still go in for chemo next Friday, that also is as long as his counts stay good. Then we meet with the Dr. on the 19th to talk about the next step. That is all I know for now. We got into a routine doing the chemo and I guess I just pushed aside why we were doing it, and now that it is getting closer to seeing how much it has helped and what kind of surgery we are looking at it makes it all real again. I don't want my baby to be cut on, that is his leg!!! He cried this morning when I told him he couldn't go on his fieldtrip and I hate that his life isn't normal anymore. Caleb has always been a mess, my wild child and this is breaking his spirit. I'm ok with calming him down, causing him to think things through, being more cautious, but not breaking him. Today, I hurt for him so much, I want to just pick him up and hold him. Psalm 34:18 The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.

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